Mod Configs

Extra settings for the Cosmetica mod that modpack creators or advanced users can utilize.

The official Cosmetica mod creates a few config files in your instance's config folder (.minecraft/config/cosmetica) which can be used to modify how the mod operates. This page will detail what the configs do and when you should use them.

This file can be modified by advanced users or modpack creators. Some of the settings in this file can also be modified via in-game GUIs, but many advanced features cannot.


Controls if Minecraft should show you a tutorial if you haven't customized your cosmetics before. If it's your first time using Cosmetica, the tutorial will be a series of screens guiding you to where you can customize your cosmetics. All sessions after that, Cosmetica will display a chat message with a guide to customize your cosmetics. The chat message will stop when you've customized any portion of your cosmetics. The chat message only shows on the first world/server load of each session. This setting isn't very useful for anyone that has already customized their cosmetics, but may be used by modpack creators to tone down or outright disable the Cosmetica tutorial for new users.


true | on | full DEFAULT Both the screen tutorial and the chat message will be enabled.

chat-only | chat_only | chatonly Only the chat message will be enabled.

false | off All components of the Cosmetica tutorial will be disabled.



The Cosmetica API may send clients an update notification to indicate that the user's mod version is out of date. This setting can be used to disable non-vital messages. Cosmetica checks for update notifications on session start and will display any enabled notifications on first world/server load. An update notification is considered vital if not updating would be a security concern.


false DEFAULT All update notifications will be shown.

true Only vital update notifications will be shown.



Controls whether your own nametag should be visible in third-person. This setting can also be configured via in-game GUIs.


true DEFAULT Your nametag will be visible to yourself in third-person.

false Your nametag will not be visible to yourself in third-person.



For efficiency, some frequent requests made to the Cosmetica API from the mod use HTTP and not HTTPS. HTTP requests are made using a special token that has read-access only, and is not used to manage sensitive data (unless you count the usernames of players you encounter in-game as "sensitive"). However, this behaviour can be disabled using this setting to force all requests to use HTTPS.


false DEFAULT Non-sensitive API requests will be made using HTTP instead of HTTPS.

true All requests will be made using HTTPS.



Controls whether a funny message should be occasionally shown as a splash message on the title screen. The message is retrieved from the Cosmetica API on session start.


true DEFAULT A funny message will be printed to the console on startup and will sometimes be displayed as a splash message.

false A funny message will be printed to the console on the startup but won't be displayed as a splash message.



Controls whether a "Region-Specific effects" screen should be shown if the user hasn't enabled/disabled the feature before. If you're eligible to see this screen, it'll be displayed after the Cosmetica tutorial (or earlier if you don't see the tutorial). This setting isn't useful for users who have already opted in or out using the "RSE" screen before, but may be used by modpack creators to disable the screen for their modpack's users. While a user hasn't opted in or out of "RSE" before, the feature is considered disabled. Disabling the "RSE" prompt is not counted as opting out, but because the user has not made a decision yet, the feature will still be disabled.


true DEFAULT A "Region-Specific effects" screen may be displayed.

false A "Region-Specific effects" screen will not be displayed.

This file is useless for advanced users and should only be used my modpack creators. This is because it contains user-defined "default settings" that are applied to players that encounter Cosmetica for the first time using a modpack with these default settings specified. If a player has used Cosmetica before and then uses a modpack that has Cosmetica and custom default settings, they won't be applied. The values of these settings are deliberately left blank so they are applied by the Cosmetica API instead, but this page will still show a "default" value, which is what the Cosmetica API will use.


Controls if Back Blings should be shown to the user. If disabled, the user won't be able to equip any Back Blings and they won't see Back Blings on other Cosmetica users.


true DEFAULT Back Blings will be enabled for new users.

false Back Blings will be disabled for new users.



Controls if Lore should be shown to the user. If disabled, the user won't be able to equip any Lore and they won't see Lore on other Cosmetica users.


true DEFAULT Lore will be enabled for new users.

false Lore will be disabled for new users.



Controls if "special" icons should be shown to the user. If disabled, all icons will be replaced with the classic Cosmetica "halo" icon. This setting is irrelevant if enable-icons is disabled.


true DEFAULT Special icons will be enabled for new users.

false Special icons will be disabled for new users.



Controls which cape new users should automatically equip. If left blank, users will equip a random official starter cape. If set to "none", the user will not equip a cape. The ID of a cape can be found in the URL of the cape's webpage. For example, the ID of the Java Cape is "RDlvaUtRbmd0RUZ4M3c". To prevent abuse, only official Cosmetica capes can be used as starter capes. If you'd like your modpack's custom cape to be used as a starter cape, contact us in our Discord server and we can make it an official cape.


[BLANK] DEFAULT New user's cape will be an official Cosmetica starter cape.

none New users will not have a starter cape.

[CAPE ID] New users' capes will be a custom (but official) starter cape, with the ID specified.



Controls whether icons should be enabled entirely. If disabled, the user won't be able to see any player's Cosmetica icon.


true DEFAULT Icons will be enabled for new users.

false Icons will be disabled for new users.



Controls whether offline players' icons should be visible. If a player has a Cosmetica icon but isn't currently using Cosmetica, their icon is made semi-transparent. This setting provides the option to hide offline icons entirely. This setting is irrelevant if enable-icons is disabled.


true DEFAULT Offline icons will be enabled for new users.

false Offline icons will be disabled for new users.



Controls if Shoulder Buddies should be shown to the user. If disabled, the user won't be able to equip any Shoulder Buddies and they won't see Shoulder Buddies on other Cosmetica users.


true DEFAULT Shoulder Buddies will be enabled for new users.

false Shoulder Buddies will be disabled for new users.



Controls if the Cosmetica API should let other Cosmetica users know if you're offline. This functionality is used for offline icons. If disabled, the Cosmetica API will say that you're online permanently.


true DEFAULT New users' online statuses can be identified by other Cosmetica users. false New users' online statuses can't be identified by other Cosmetica users.



Controls if Hats should be shown to the user. If disabled, the user won't be able to equip any Hats and they won't see Hats on other Cosmetica users.


true DEFAULT Hats will be enabled for new users.

false Hats will be disabled for new users.


Extra Cape Settings can also be used to enable or disable third-party capes for new users. These settings are not in the default settings file, but can be manually added.


show Capes from this service will be shown to new users.

hide Capes from this service will be hidden for new users.

replace Capes from this service will be replaced by Cosmetica to mask the original cape (which can hide things like NSFW capes), but will still let new users identify which service the cape is from.


These are the currently supported cape servers and their default settings.

cape-setting-arc=show Capes from Arc Capes (retired, now operating under Cosmetica)

cape-setting-cloaksplus=show Capes from Cloaks+

cape-setting-wynntils=replace Capes from Wynntils

cape-setting-5zig=replace Capes from 5zig Reborn

cape-setting-mantle=replace Capes from Mantle

cape-setting-labymod=replace Capes from Labymod

cape-setting-minecraftcapes=replace Capes from Minecraft Capes

cape-setting-optifine=replace Capes from OptiFine

cape-setting-lunar=replace Capes from Lunar Client

cape-setting-migrator=show The official Migrator Cape

cape-setting-vanilla=show The official Vanilla Cape

Last updated January 10, 2023